Thursday, June 17, 2010

Getting A Bridge Class Going-Part 2

I have been emailing today with a friend and her sister, who run a community art and recreation center, to get a bridge class going there. They responded to my email of the other day, saying they think it sounds like a fine idea, for the Fall class schedule. As it turns out, one of the sisters knows the teacher I am looking to get, Andy Avery, because he is also a singer and guitar player. She has made music with him in the past, when she lived in the same area as him. She said she would contact him herself, to get the ball rolling. She and I lived together last Summer, when I was in-transition, trying to move into a house I bought, which wasn't ready, since there was a tenant still in it. I love small communities!

If all goes well, we will have a beginners 8-week class start in the Fall, one night per week, hopefully on Monday evenings. It is hoped that enough novice players will be generated from the class to give me some partners to play with. But, if playing yesterday was any indication of what it could be like, I may be able to just keep playing with more experienced players and learn as a go. I like the challenge of that. It feels like I could learn a lot faster that way. But having a solid foundation, of rules and technique, that a class can give you could be a very good thing to have too.

Here’s some new words I’ve recently added to my bridge vocabulary. Can you match them with the correct definitions?

1. Blamestorming
2. Seagull Player
3. Prairie Dogging
4. Stress Puppy
5. Onosecond

A. When someone yells or drops something during a game and other players’ heads pop up to see what's going on.

B. That minuscule fraction of time after playing from dummy in which you realize that you've just made a BIG mistake.

C. Sitting around after the game, discussing why your brilliant bid or play failed, and who was responsible.

D. A new player at your regular game who drops in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves.

E. A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out by every bid and whiny every time they go down.

Answers: 1-C; 2-D; 3-A; 4-E; 5-B.

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