Monday, June 14, 2010


Those who play bridge speak a different language. Every sport or activity has it's own special terms, but bridge it seems, has a very unique language all it's own. In studying the rules of the game I am learning this language rather fast. There are auctions and dummies, declarers and directions, slams and trumps. Sounds cool, huh? There's something about the creative way people use language that I love. I am always fascinated by the terms for a game, and how those terms came to be used.

I posted a humorous little video by Brini Maxwell, a wonderful drag queen, that does an amazing impression of a early 60's housewife. The post is entitled, "The Joy Of Bridge." In it Brini describes a bit of bridge history, in her own unique and hilarious way. She also has the 50's and 60's take on bridge culture down pat. I felt like I had been "trans"-ported back to a different time, like a strange time machine designed to take you back to classic bridge parties only. So funny!

It makes we want to dress is a stretch pants suit or Dior and a large-brimmed hat! Get my Audrey Hepburn freak on:) I wonder if Audrey played bridge? There is something so camp to me about bridge. I don't know if it is the culture surrounding it, but bridge mix, tea sandwiches and an excuse to drink cocktails before 5 pm sounds like a strange and fun way to spend a Summer afternoon. The fact that it is challenging and mentally stimulating as well is just a plus. Nothing more fun than smart people having a good time.

I am looking forward to acquiring a whole host of new silver-haired friends, and learning how cut-throat the over 70 set can really be also. Never underestimate a little old woman in lavender. She could eat you alive at the bridge table. My brother is an anthropologist, who specializes in the study of how North American culture treats it's older citizens. Maybe I could help him research the effect of card games on memory, cognitive agility and the social adjustment of older bridge players? He loves to spend time with much older people. He loves benefiting from their wisdom and experience. I'm about to find out what he has been seeing all these years.

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